Akeia Haddox-Rossiter

Akeia Haddox-Rossiter is the Executive Pastor of CCF. She has a heart for seeking and serving God and a passion for evangelism. Through outreach and local mission at CCF, partners and friends are encouraged and empowered to be Christ’s hands and feet throughout the footprint of the Washington-Lanham area.

Pastor Akeia utilizes her background and education in event planning, community activism, photography, and hospitality for the building of God’s Kingdom on Earth. She believes that obedience to God’s calling is vital to those who wish to follow Jesus.

Originally from Moore, Oklahoma, with strong ties to Manhattan, Kansas, Pastor Akeia is an Eastern Mennonite University STEP graduate and serves as the Chair for the Eastern Mennonite Missions Board.  She and her husband Paris have three children and live in Washington, DC.