CCF Youth Summer Events

   *Every Wednesday is a Food Distribution day at CCF.  This is a great opportunity for students to get their community service hours during the summer.

Fri. June 14th - Youth Night (1st night for new rising 6th graders) (6th-12th)

Fri. June 21st- Youth Night (6th-12th)

Fri. June 28th - Go Karting (6th-12th)

Sat. June 29th - Trip to Lancaster to learn about missions (juniors & up)


Tues. July 2nd @10:00am-4pm cookout & kickball  (6th-12th)

Fri. July 12th @2:00pm- Annual car Wash & water fight (6th-12th)

Fri. July 19th NO YOUTH NIGHT (VBS week)

Fri. July 26th Karaoke Night @6:00pm-8:30pm (6th-12th)

Mon. July 29th Rock Hall trip (11th-12th)


Tues. August 6th-Thurs. August 8th -Professional Week  (High School only)

Fri. August 9th-Sat. August 10th - Lock in (High School Only)

     If you have any questions, would like to help Chaperone, or would like to help with student transportation  please contact:
Pastor Joseph Alexander