Waiver and Permission for 
 Youth Park Outing 
April 29th (May 6th rain date)

Parents of CCF Youth Parents
         On Saturday 4/29 our Middle & High school Students  will be taking a trip to Wheaton Regional Park . Students can arrive at CCF as early as 9:15am on Saturday Morning and we will depart CCF @10:00am. We plan on returning to CCF by 5:00pm
     We will provide snacks & water but We ask that students pack their own lunch for the afternoon. They are welcome to bring cash to buy ice cream or to ride the train ($5) if they desire.
    Parents we want to welcome you to accompany us if you want to and if you would like to help with transportation please contact me as soon as you are able.
God Bless. 
Here is the best address for the park
2000 Shorefield Rd
Silver Spring, MD  20902

By submitting this form I consent to the Child(ren) above to participate in the CCF Fieldtrip with transportation by CCF staff and/or volunteers in entry to Flowers High School I HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE CAPITAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP it’s volunteers, and/ or participants FROM ALL LIABILITY TO THE CHILD(REN) NAMED ABOVE, FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ON ACCOUNT OF INJURY TO THE CHILD(REN) named above, including, but not limited to, death or damage to property, Caused or alleged to be caused , in whole or in part, by the negligence of the child named above or otherwise. .